Data Science Undergraduate Certificate Program Courses
Requirements for the Certificate (16 credits)
- * Course requires approval before it can be used for this certificate (special topics, special assignments,research, etc). Course titles already approved are listed below.
- ** Project must be approved by the College Representative on the Applications In Data Science Curriculum Committee.
- A minimum of 6 credits must be in coursework outside the student's major requirements.
- Each course can only be used once towards certificate completion; cannot count toward multiple areas.
- A grade of C- or better must be earned in any course used to fulfill the certificate. Students may also use a Pass(P) in any course used to fulfill the certificate.
- Students with a Data Science major are not permitted to receive the Applications In Data Science Certificate.
- Transfer credit brought in as an equivalent course is allowed to apply to the certificate requirements; undistributed transfer credit cannot be applied.
Foundation in Statistical Methods (3 credits)
- EDPS 55600 - Introduction To Quantitative Data Analysis Methods In Education I
- EDPS 55700 - Introduction To Quantitative Data Analysis Methods In Education II
- AAE 36100 - Introduction To Random Variables In Engineering *
- CHE 32000 - Statistical Modeling And Quality Enhancement
- ECE 20875 - Python For Data Science
- ECE 30200 - Probabilistic Methods In Electrical And Computer Engineering
- IDE 36000 - Multidisciplinary Engineering Statistics
- IE 33000 - Probability And Statistics In Engineering II
Health and Human Sciences
- PSY 20100 - Introduction To Statistics In Psychology
Liberal Arts
- ANTH 30600 - Quantitative Methods For Anthropological Research
- COM 30400 - Quantitative Methods For Communication Research
- COM 41100 - Communication And Social Networks
- POL 30000 - Introduction To Political Analysis
- POL 50100 - Political Science: Methodology
- SOC 40900 - Social Networks
- ECON 26000 - Data Visualization and Inference
- ECON 36000 - Econometrics
- MGMT 30500 - Business Statistics
- MGMT 30600 - Management Science
- BIOL 32101 Experimental Design and Quantitative Analysis Honors
- BIOL 39500 - Special Assignments *
- BIOL 49500 - Special Assignments *
- *Data Science: Good Versus Bad
- BIOL 58210 - Ecological Statistics
- BIOL 59500 - Special Assignments *
- EAPS 31000 - Introductory Statistics For Geosciences
- MA 41600 - Probability
- PHYS 49000 - Special Assignments *
- *Data Science: Good Versus Bad
- STAT 22500 - Introduction To Probability Models
- STAT 30100 - Elementary Statistical Methods
- STAT 30301 - Probability & Statistics for Business
- STAT 35000 - Introduction To Statistics
- STAT 35500 - Statistics For Data Science
- STAT 49000*- Tpcs In Stat For U/G
- *Data Science: Good Versus Bad
- STAT 50100 - Experimental Statistics I
- STAT 50300 - Statistical Methods For Biology
- STAT 51100 - Statistical Methods
Foundation in Computation (3 credits)
- ABE 20500 - Computations For Engineering Systems
- ABE 30100 - Numerical And Computational Modeling In Biological Engineering
- AGEC 20201 – Introduction to Data Analytics for Agricultural Business
- ASM 10500 - Computing Technology With Applications
- BME 36600 Foundations of Biomedical Data Science
- ECE 20875 - Python For Data Science (Not allowed after Fall 2020 Catalog term)
- ECE 26400 - Advanced C Programming
- ECE 36800 - Data Structures
- ECE 46900 - Operating Systems Engineering
- ECE 47300 - Introduction To Artificial Intelligence
- IE 33200 - Computing In Industrial Engineering
- ECON 37300 - Computational Economics
- MGMT 28800 - Programming For Business Applications
- CNIT 10500 - Introduction To C Programming
- CNIT 13600 - Personal Computing Technology And Applications
- CNIT 17600 - Information Technology Architectures
- BIOL 59500 - Building the Tree of Life
- CS 10100 - Digital Literacy
- CS 15900 - C Programming
- CS 17600 - Data Engineering In Python
- CS 17700 - Programming With Multimedia Objects
- CS 18000 - Problem Solving And Object-Oriented Programming
- CS 19000 - Topics In Computer Sci*
- *Data Engineering in Python
- CE 50701-Geospatial Data Analytics
- EAPS 50701-Geospatial Data Analytics
- MA 16290 – Data Science Lab
Foundation in Data Literacy, Management, and Analytics (3 credits)
- AGEC 20201 – Introduction to Data Analytics for Agricultural Business
- AGRY 42000 - Computing for the Natural Sciences
- ASM 53200 - Introduction To Agricultural Informatics
- BCHM 42100 - R For Molecular Biosciences
- ENTM 24200 - Data Science
Data Mine
Requires three 1-credit seminars listed below to complete the requirement.
- TDM 10100 The Data Mine Seminar I
- (formerly offered as STAT 19000 Tpcs in Stat for U/G * The Data Mine I)
- TDM 10200 The Data Mine Seminar II
- (formerly offered as STAT 19000 Tpcs in Stat for U/G * The Data Mine II)
- TDM 20100 The Data Mine Seminar III
- (formerly offered as STAT 29000 Tpcs in Stat for U/G * The Data Mine III)
- TDM 20200 The Data Mine Seminar IV
- (formerly offered as STAT 29000 Tpcs in Stat for U/G * The Data Mine IV)
- TDM 30100 The Data Mine Seminar V
- (formerly offered as STAT 39000 Tpcs in Stat for U/G * The Data Mine V)
- TDM 30200 The Data Mine Seminar VI
- (formerly offered as STAT 39000 Tpcs in Stat for U/G * The Data Mine VI)
- TDM 40100 The Data Mine Seminar VII
- (formerly offered as STAT 49000 Tpcs in Stat for U/G * The Data Mine VII)
- TDM 40200 The Data Mine Seminar VIII
- (formerly offered as STAT 49000 Tpcs in Stat for U/G * The Data Mine VII)
- BME 36600 Foundations of Biomedical Data Science
- ECE 20875 - Python For Data Science
- ECE 29595 - Selected Topics In Electrical And Computer Engineering *
- * Introduction to Data Science
- ECE 30010 - Introduction To Machine Learning And Pattern Recognition
- ECE 47300 - Introduction To Artificial Intelligence
Honors College
- HONR 39500 - Honors Independent Study*
- *Well-Being Scholar Development
Information Studies
- ILS 29500 - Special Topics In Information And Data Science *
- *Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
- ILS 59500 - Special Topics In Information And Data Science *
- * Data Management and Curation for Qualitative Researchers
- * Data Management at the Bench
Liberal Arts
PHIL 20700 - Ethics For Technology, Engineering, And Design Management (Not allowed after Fall 2021 Catalog term)
- ECON 26000 - Data Visualization and Inference
- MGMT 38200 - Management Information Systems
- MGMT 54400 - Database Management Systems
- CNIT 17500 - Visual Programming
- CNIT 48800 - Data Warehousing
- CNIT 57000 - IT Data Analytics
- BIOL 32101 Experimental Design and Quantitative Analysis Honors
- BIOL 49500 - Special Assignments *
- *Data Science: Good Versus Bad
- *Biodiversity and Museum Research
- *Data Science for Biologists
- BIOL 59500 - Special Assignments *
- BIOL 59500-Building the Tree of Life
CS 17600 - Data Engineering In Python
- CS 19000 - Topics in Computer Sci*
- *Data Engineering in Python
- CS 24200 - Introduction To Data Science
- CS 25100 - Data Structures And Algorithms
- EAPS 59100-Special Assignments*
- Geospatial Analysis in Earth and Planetary Contexts
- MA 16290 – Data Science Lab
- PHYS 49000 - Special Assignments *
- *Data Science: Good Versus Bad
- STAT 24200 - Introduction To Data Science
- STAT 47401 – Statistics for Risk Modeling
- STAT 49000*- Tpcs In Stat For U/G
- *Data Science: Good Versus Bad
- *Statistical Risk Modeling
- *Data Science Building Blocks
- STAT 51200 - Applied Regression Theory
- STAT 51400 - Design of Experiments
Foundation in Data Ethics and Digital Citizenship (1-4 credits)
Honors College
- HONR 39900 - Intrdscp Honor-Spc Tpc*
- *Technological Justice
- HONR 49900 - Honors Research Project*
- *Institutional Data Research (approved for Fall 2019)
Information Studies
- ILS 10300 – Introduction to Data Lifecycle Management
- ILS 23000 - Data Science And Society: Ethical Legal Social Issues
- ILS 29500 - Special Topics In Information And Data Science *
- * Foundations Intro Data Management
Liberal Arts
- PHIL 20700 - Ethics For Technology, Engineering, And Design
- PHIL 20800 - Ethics Of Data Science
- PHIL 29000 - Environmental Ethics
- PHIL 29300 - Selected Topics In Philosophy *
- POL 22800 - Data Science And Public Policy (beginning fall 2021)
- POL 22900 - Emerging Problems In Pol Sci*
- *Data Science and Public Policy
Application Focus (6 credits)
- ABE 49800 - Undergraduate Research In Agricultural And Biological Engineering *
- AGEC 30500 - Agricultural Prices
- AGEC 32100 - Principles Of Commodity Marketing
- AGEC 35200 - Quantitative Techniques For Firm Decision Making
- AGEC 42100 - Advanced Commodity Marketing
- AGEC 45100 - Applied Econometrics
- AGEC 49800 - Special Problems *
- AGEC 49900 - Thesis *
- AGEC 50600 - Agricultural Marketing And Price Analysis
- AGEC 51600 - Mathematical Tools For Agricultural And Applied Economics
- AGEC 55200 - Introduction To Mathematical Programming
- AGR 33300 - Data Science For Agriculture
- AGRY 32000 - Genetics
- AGRY 39900 - Individual Study *
- AGRY 44400 - Weather Analysis And Forecasting
- AGRY 48500 - Precision Crop Management
- AGRY 53000 - Advanced Plant Genetics
- AGRY 54500 - Remote Sensing Of Land Resources
- AGRY 56500 - Soils And Landscapes
- AGRY 59800 - Special Problems *
- AGRY 60000 - Genomics
- ANSC 31100 - Animal Breeding
- ANSC 51100 - Population Genetics
- ASEC 49000 - Special Problems *
- ASEC 49700 - Thesis Research *
- ASEC 49900 - Special Problems In Agricultural Communication *
- ASEC 59000 - Special Problems *
- ASM 42200 - Advanced Machine Technology For Agricultural Crop Production
- ASM 49000 - Special Problems *
- ASM 49500 - Agricultural Systems Management Capstone Project *
- ASM 53200 - Introduction To Agricultural Informatics
- ASM 54000 - Geographic Information System Application
- BCHM 42200 - Computational Genomics
- BCHM 49800 - Research In Biochemistry *
- BCHM 49801 - Head Start To Biochemistry Research *
- BCHM 52100 - Comparative Genomics
- BTNY 30200 - Plant Ecology
- BTNY 49800 - Research In Plant Science *
- BTNY 53500 - Plant Disease Management
- ENTM 30100 - Experimentation And Analysis
- ENTM 41000 - Applied Insect Biology
- ENTM 41001 - Insects Of Urban Landscapes
- ENTM 41002 - Insects Of Agricultural Crops
- ENTM 49310 - Insect Biology Capstone Experience *
- ENTM 49700 - Special Problems In Forensic Science *
- ENTM 49800 - Special Problems In Entomology *
- FNR 21000 - Natural Resource Information Management
- FNR 34800 - Wildlife Investigational Techniques
- FNR 35100 - Aquatic Sampling Techniques
- FNR 35300 - Natural Resources Measurement
- FNR 35500 - Quantitative Methods For Resource Management
- FNR 35700 - Fundamental Remote Sensing
- FNR 35910 - Spatial Ecology
- FNR 35950 - Spatial Ecology Laboratory
- FNR 38400 - Statistics For Natural Resources
- FNR 49800 - Special Assignments *
- FNR 55800 - Remote Sensing Analysis And Applications
- FS 44400 - Statistical Process Control
- FS 49100 - Special Assignments In Food Science *
- HORT 49100 - Special Assignments In Horticulture *
- HORT 53000 - Introduction To Computing For Biologists
- HORT 53100 - Applied Plant Genomics
- HORT 55100 - Plant Responses To The Environment
- LA 49000 - Special Problems In Landscape Architecture *
- NRES 49800 - Individual Studies In Environmental Science *
- SFS 39100 - Special Problems In Sustainable Food And Farming Systems *
Data Mine
To fulfill the Application Focus, these courses listed in the Data Mine section must be taken as a part of the Data Mine.
EAPS 19100 - Intro Topics Earth Atm*
*Data Mine: Free and Fair Data
*Data Mine: Free and Fair Data II
MGMT 29000 - Problems In Mgmt*
*Data Mine Experience I
*Data Mine Experience II
- PHYS 39000 - Special Assignments*
- *Physics Data Mine
- *Data Mine Dark Matter
- *Data Mine High Energy Physics
- TDM 11100 - Corporate Partners I
- (formerly offered as STAT 19000 Tpcs In Stat for U/G*Data Mine Corporate Partners I)
- TDM 11200 Corporate Partners II
- (formerly offered as STAT 19000 Tpcs In Stat for U/G*Data Mine Corporate Partners II)
- TDM 21100 Corporate Partners III
- (formerly offered as STAT 29000 Tpcs In Stat for U/G*Data Mine Corporate Partners II)
- TDM 21200 Corporate Partners IV
- (formerly offered as STAT 29000 Tpcs In Stat for U/G*Data Mine Corporate Partners IV)
- TDM 31100 Corporate Partners V
- (formerly offered as STAT 39000 Tpcs In Stat for U/G*Data Mine Corporate Partners V)
- TDM 31200 Corporate Partners VI
- (formerly offered as STAT 39000 Tpcs In Stat for U/G*Data Mine Corporate Partners VI)
- TDM 41100 Corporate Partners VII
- (formerly offered as STAT 49000 Tpcs In Stat for U/G*Data Mine Corporate Partners VII)
- TDM 41200 Corporate Partners VIII
- (formerly offered as STAT 49000 Tpcs In Stat for U/G*Data Mine Corporate Partners VIII)
- (formerly offered as STAT 49000 Tpcs In Stat for U/G*Data Mine Corporate Partners VIII)
- TDM 51100 Corporate Partners
- EDCI 52800 - Human Performance Technology
- EDCI 55700 - Assessment Of Culturally And Linguistically Diverse Students
- EDCI 56400 - Integration And Management Of Technology For Learning
- EDCI 57700 - Strategic Assessment And Evaluation
- EDPS 32700 - Classroom Assessment
- EDPS 53100 - Introduction To Measurement And Instrument Design
- EDPS 53300 - Introduction To Educational Research I: Methodology
- EDPS 53400 - Introduction To Educational Research II: Measurement Consideration
- ABE 31400 - Design Of Electronic Systems
- ABE 45000 - Finite Element Method In Design And Optimization
- ABE 46000 - Sensors And Process Control
- ABE 52700 - Computer Models In Environmental And Natural Resources Engineering
- ABE 53100 - Instrumentation And Data Acquisition
- ABE 59100 - Special Topics *
- BME 40100 - Mathematical & Computational Analysis Of Complex System Dynamics In Biology, Medicine, & Healthcare
- CE 40800 - Geographic Information Systems In Engineering
- CE 50801 - Geographic Information Systems
- CHE 45000 - Design And Analysis Of Processing Systems
- ECE 30834 - Fundamentals Of Computer Graphics
- ECE 43800 - Digital Signal Processing With Applications
- ECE 44000 - Transmission Of Information
- ECE 47300 - Introduction To Artificial Intelligence
- ECE 57000-Artificial Intelligence
- ECE 57700 - Engineering Aspects Of Remote Sensing
- EEE 25000 - Environmental, Ecological, and Engineering Systems
- EEE 30000 - Environmental And Ecological Systems Modeling
- IE 33500 - Operations Research - Optimization
- IE 33600 - Operations Research - Stochastic Models
- IE 59000 - Topics In Industrial Engineering *
- ME 36500 - Measurement And Control Systems I
- ME 37500 - Measurement And Control Systems II
- NUCL 59700 - Nuclear Engineering Projects I *
VIP 37920 Junior Part In VIP**
- (formerly offered as ENGR 37920 Junior Participation in Vertically Integrated Projects)**
- VIP 47920 Senior Part In VIP**
- (formerly offered as ENGR 47920 Senior Participation in Vertically Integrated Projects)**
- VIP 47921 Senior Design In VIP I**
- (formerly offered as ENGR 47921 Senior Design Participation In Vertically Integrated Projects I)**
- VIP 47922 Senior Design In VIP II**
- (formerly offered as ENGR 47922 Senior Participation In Vertically Integrated Projects II)**
Health and Human Sciences
- HTM 50200 - Management Information Systems For The Hospitality Industry
- PSY 20200 - Introduction To Quantitative Topics In Psychology
- PSY 30500 - Understanding And Analyzing Psychological Data
- PSY 39800 - Independent Research In Psychology *
- PSY 49800 - Senior Research *
- PSY 51300 - Introduction To Computational Cognitive Neuroscience
- PSY 51400 - Introduction To Mathematical Psychology
- PUBH 40500 - Principles Of Epidemiology
- PUBH 60100 - Introduction To The Quantitative Methods Of Public Health
Information Sciences
- ILS 59500 - Special Topics In Information And Data Science *
- Geospatial Programming and Data Science
Liberal Arts
- ANTH 52300 - GIS For Humanities And Social Science Research
- COM 21700 - Science Writing And Presentation (Not allowed after Fall 2020 Catalog term)
- ENGL 28000 – Games Narrative Culture
- PHIL 20800 - Ethics Of Data Science
- PHIL 29000 - Environmental Ethics
- PHIL 29300 - Selected Topics In Philosophy *
- POL 22800 – Data Science and Public Policy
- POL 22900 - Emerging Problems In Political Science *
- SOC 34000 - General Social Psychology
- SOC 38300 - Introduction To Research Methods In Sociology
- ECON 32500 - Economics Of Sports
- ECON 36000 - Econometrics
- ECON 37300 - Computational Economics
- ECON 46300 - Advanced Data Analysis and Machine Learning
- ECON 47100 - Behavioral Economics
- ECON 48500 - Economics Of Racial And Gender Discrimination
- ECON 56200 - Econometrics I
- ECON 57300 - Financial Econometrics
- ECON 58500 - Behavioral Economics
- MGMT 30500 - Business Statistics
- MGMT 30600 - Management Science
- MGMT 38200 - Management Information Systems
- MGMT 40500 - Six Sigma And Quality Analytics
- MGMT 41310 - Financial Data Analysis And Modeling
- MGMT 42110 - Marketing Analytics
- MGMT 46300 - Supply Chain Analytics
- MGMT 47200 - Advanced Spreadsheet Modeling And Simulation
- MGMT 47300 - Data Mining
- MGMT 47400 - Predictive Analytics
- MGMT 47900 - Data Visualization
- MGMT 48800 - Data-Driven Decisions In Digital Markets
- MGMT 52500 - Marketing Analytics
- MGMT 54400 - Database Management Systems
- AT 31900 - Unmanned Aerial Systems Applications, Data And Documentation
- CGT 27000 - Introduction To Data Visualization
- CGT 27001 - Topics in Visualization
- CGT 27500 - Data Visualization II
- CGT 31301 - The Business Of Managing Digital Product Data
- CGT 35600 - Web Programming, Development And Data Integration
- CGT 37000 - Interactive Data Visualization
- CGT 37700 - Scientific Visualization
- CGT 45600 - Advanced Web Programming, Development And Data Integration
- CGT 46000 - Building Information Modeling For Commercial Construction
- CGT 47000 - Data Visualization Studio
- CGT 51200 - Foundational Readings Of User Experience Design
- CGT 52000 - Computer Graphics Programming
- CGT 52100 - Advanced Real-Time Computer Graphics
- CGT 58100 - Workshop In Computer Graphics Technology *
- CGT 67000 - Applications In Visual Analytics
- CNIT 37200 - Database Programming
- CNIT 39200 - Enterprise Data Management
- CNIT 48101 - Topics In Computer Information Technology IV *
- CNIT 48200 – Six Sigma Data Quality for Continuous Improvement
- CNIT 48700 - Database Administration
- CNIT 55900 - Data Warehousing
- CNIT 57000 - IT Data Analytics
- CNIT 58100 - Workshop In Computer Technology *
- CNIT 62300 - Contemporary Computer Technology Problems *
- ECET 32700 - Instrumentation And Data Acquisition Design
- ECET 35901 - Computer Based Data Acquisition Applications
- IET 41300 - Problem-Solving With Automatic Data Collection
- TECH 53300 - Design Theory And Technology
- BCHM 42200 - Computational Genomics
- BCHM 52100 - Comparative Genomics
- BIOL 29400 - Biology Research *
- BIOL 31200 - Great Issues Genomics And Society
- BIOL 32101 Experimental Design and Quantitative Analysis Honors
- BIOL 44207 - Exploration Of Protein Structure
- BIOL 44400 - Human Genetics
- BIOL 47800 - Introduction to Bioinformatics
- BIOL 49400 - Biology Research *
- BIOL 49500-Special Topics*
- Biodiversity and Museum Research
- Data Science for Biologists
- BIOL 59500-Special Topics*
- BIOL 59500 Building the tree of Life
- BIOL 49900 - Biology Honors Thesis Research *
- BIOL 56310 - Protein Bioinformatics
- BIOL 58210 - Ecological Statistics
- BIOL 61100 - Crystallography Of Macromolecules
- CS 30700 - Software Engineering I
- CS 34800 - Information Systems
- CS 37300 - Data Mining And Machine Learning
- CS 47300 - Web Information Search And Management
- CE 50701-Geospatial Data Analytics
- EAPS 22700 - Introduction to Atmospheric Observations and Measurements
- EAPS 30900 - Computer-Aided Analysis For Geosciences
- EAPS 32000 - Physics Of Climate
- EAPS 42000 - Global Change Modeling
- EAPS 50700 - Introduction To Analysis And Computing With Geoscience Data
- EAPS 50701-Geospatial Data Analytics
- EAPS 50801 - Geographic Information Systems
- EAPS 50900 - Data Analysis Techniques In Earth And Atmospheric Sciences
- EAPS 51000 - Climate Time Series Analysis
- EAPS 52300 - Radar Meteorology
- EAPS 53000 - Extreme Weather And Climate: Science And Risk
- EAPS 54000 - Introduction To Geodesy
- EAPS 54100 - Geodetic Data And Applications
- EAPS 55700 - Introduction To Seismology
- EAPS 55900 - Topics In Seismology *
- EAPS 57700 - Remote Sensing of the Planets
- EAPS 59100 - Advanced Topics In Earth And Atmospheric Sciences *
- MA 16290 – Data Science Lab
- STAT 47401 – Statistics for Risk Modeling
- STAT 49000*- Tpcs In Stat For U/G
- *Statistical Risk Modeling
- PHYS 32300 – Research In Big Data I
- PHYS 32400 – Research In Big Data II
- PHYS 41600 - Thermal And Statistical Physics Honors