Karen Wiggins, M.S.

College of Science
Department of Biological Sciences
Walk-in Hours: M-F 10-10:30 and 3-3:30
As an academic advisor in the Department of Biological Sciences, I have the great pleasure of being back at "home" in the department I graduated from several years back. After pursuing my M.S. out in Boston, I found I just couldn't stay away from Purdue, came back and started as an academic advisor in Computer Science in 2007. In 2012, I had the opportunity to switch to biology advising. While I loved advising CS students, I am glad that now I can understand what my advisees are learning about in their classes and research!
Outside of advising, I volunteer at the local zoo and nature centers. Addtionally, I am a handbell musician, and currently perform with an auditioned community ensemble down in Indianapolis. (As a side note, I chose to attend Purdue primarily so that I could participate in Purdue Bells! While getting a top-notch Science education, of course)
I enjoy advising as an opportunity to help students make the transition from high school to life-long learners. The world is wide open! Let's figure out together how you can make wise choices and do the hard work needed on your journey to become the person you want to be.
B.S., Purdue University, "Biology Education" and "Ecology, Evolutionary, and Population Biology", Russian minor (2004)
Study Abroad: Spring 2001 to St. Petersburg, Russia
M.S., Boston University, "Science Journalism" (2007)
Biology Counseling Office
LILY 1-412
Office Hours: M-F 8-5